Home / World / Cat Goes Into Animal Sanctuary and Becomes Best Friends With A Bear

Cat Goes Into Animal Sanctuary and Becomes Best Friends With A Bear

This is the tale of a stray cat that stunned everybody when he became BFF’s with a black bear.

One day, the cat made an appearance at the Folsom City Zoo/Pet Sanctuary, when he picked to make himself comfortable in the bear enclosure.

To every people surprise, the cat wasn’t scared of anything, and was eating the food that was being put out for the bears.

“When she began being here regularly, we began putting food out for her in the early morning too,” elderly keeper Jill Faust informed KXTV.

After a while, he was offered the name “Little Bear” as he is the same color as the bears as well as invested most if his time with them.

“Frequently when Sequoia (the bear) goes with the ‘bear forest’ his cat pal strolls with him,” the zoo told ABC Information, via a statement.

“She rubs against the walls and also visitors can hear her scratchy purr from quite a range.”

Some visitors expressed their worry over the friendship, “I thought he was going to be eaten by the bear,” said a young boy.

The pair go on strolls with each other and also lay together, although they don’t play physically, the companionship between them is clear.

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