Home / World / Hero Saves A Kittens Life With CPR And Then Gives Her A Forever Home

Hero Saves A Kittens Life With CPR And Then Gives Her A Forever Home

This is the heartfelt tale of a brave guy saving a tiny, fluffy life.

One day, a big rainfall tormented the city of Istanbul where Metin Keskin, a city worker went to.

Keskin, talking to the Daily Sabah stated that she was “unconscious, [she] had not been making any sound.”

So Keskin, being the kind human he is, stooped down and attempted mouth-to-mouth resuscitation on the little white cat.

He rubbed her body to get the water out of her lungs while taking a breath a couple of mild breaths into her mouth.

The good news, this remarkable minute was captured on video clip:

After some stressful minutes, the poor kitten let out a soft ‘meow,’ and everyone around her breathed out a sigh of relief.

She was hurried to the neighborhood animal health center where she could fully recover.

But this had not been the last time Keskin would ever see the cat he helped, vice versa in fact.

“[She’s] become our kitten currently,” he told press reporters at a press conference at the pet healthcare facility soon after the cat’s rescue. “I’m so pleased.”

What a gorgeous story!

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