Home / World / Lived in the wo.rst zoo in the world, Lion Bob was re.scued / Now he has food and they love him

Lived in the wo.rst zoo in the world, Lion Bob was re.scued / Now he has food and they love him

Concerning 2 years ago the images of the lion Bob, that lived in the Safari Zoo, Fier in Albania went viral. And also this not since he mored than happy and also they took care of him. They left him without food, it was s.kin as well as bones. Bob had a shiner as well as hardly str.olled. And now fortunately is coming for the lion Bob.

The “Felida Center” introduced that Bobi had a difficult life at the zoo referred to as “Europe’s Worst Zoo”, Safari Park Zoo Fier in Albania.

His wrecked nose is a tip of the despair of that suffering. He was sick when we saved him as well as we were very concerned regarding his health and wellness and also recovery. But thanks to the intensive care and love he obtains at the Felida Big Cat Shelter, he came to be much better.

This winter he was extremely calm, he preferred to spend the chilly days inside his warm platform, now he is enjoying time to relax in his sanctuary. It fills our hearts with joy when we see him so happy!

Source: heavenofanimals.com

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