Home / World / Stray Cat Returns With Her Babies To See The Woman Who Helped Her

Stray Cat Returns With Her Babies To See The Woman Who Helped Her

Lisianne was out in her backyard in Québec, Canada, someday when a roaming black feline strayed up to her. She fed the cat and provided her water as well as named her Usagi!

And also after that, the feline made it an indicate keep coming back for nourishment as well as attention. As Usagi’s stomach started to grow and also bigger, Lisianne soon understood it wasn’t from the food she ‘d been offering her …

After numerous weeks had passed, Usagi returned with a clutter of kittycats to introduce to the woman that did so much for her!

Lisianne brought the feline family members into her home as well as called upon some buddies and also rescue group Chatons Orphelins Montréal for assistance.

It turns out Usagi had actually shown up with her kitties in the nick of time as the little ones were struggling with conjunctivitis as well as having problem breathing. Lisianne wound up keeping Usagi while a close friend chose to adopt one of the kitties!

The 5 remaining kittycats are healthy and also awaiting their forever homes, and also it’s all thanks to their mother for giving them a chance!

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